坐飛機時,機艙內的空氣較缺乏濕度。因此會造成我們身體的水分蒸散得比平常更加快速,並進一步地使我們脫水。就職於奧地利醫藥資訊與科技部門(UMIT)的Wolfgang Schobersberger所做的研究指出,脫水的情形會增加收縮、舒張的血液濃度,此濃度的增加和血液的凝結與血管的阻塞有很大的關聯性。所以,專家建議,在上飛機之前多喝水,並於飛機上經常性地小口補充水分。譯:黃茉莉
Aircraft cabin air lacks humidity, which can cause moisture in our bodies to evaporate more quickly than normal, causing us to become dehydrated. Research by Wolfgang Schobersberger, of the Medical Informative and Technology (UMIT) in Austria, has shown that dehydration increases systolic blood viscosity, which is associated with blood clots. The advice is to drink plenty of water before your flight, and sip regularly during a flight to prevent dehydration.
參考資料:Bottled Water Reporter (BWR) MAR/APR 2015